The influence of diode laser 940 μm on periodontal clinical parameters in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity

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Ryabokon, Yevhen
Рябоконь, Евгений Николаевич
Рябоконь, Євген Миколайович
Cherepinska, Yuliya
Черепинская, Юлия Анатольевна
Черепинська, Юлія Анатолієвна

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A detailed study of additional methods of treatment of periodontal diseases, such as laser therapy, allows ascertaining the clinical safety and efficiency of laser technologies in periodontics.


The use of the diode laser 940 μm at the initial phase of the conservative treatment of patients with CGP of moderate severity is an effective and clinically reasonable method, it reduces the amount of surgical involvement. Further study of distant results of treatment will allow comparing the duration of remission in these groups.


laser, dentistry


Ryabokon E. The influence of diode laser 940 μm on periodontal clinical parameters in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity / E. Ryabokon, Y. Cherepynskaya // Srodowisko a stan zdorowia jamy ustnej : X Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa, Naleczow, Polska, 27.04.2016. – Naleczow, 2016. – Р. 71.