Кафедра загальної та клінічної патологічної фізіології імені Д.О. Альперна
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Item A case report of a hemorrhagic stroke with atrial fibrillation in combination with hypertension(2024) Samoilova, Hanna; Markovska, Olena; Tovazhnyanska, Olena; Myroshnychenko, Mykhailo; Bibichenko, Viktoria; Sakal, HannaBackground. Stroke is a heterogeneous syndrome, and identification of risk factors and treatment dependson the specific pathogenesis of the disease. Cardiovascular diseases are risk factors for the development of acute disorders of cerebral circulation. According to recent studies, one third of all ischemic strokes are cardioembolic. The main pathoetiology of a hemorrhagic stroke in the form of intracerebral hemorrhages is chronic hypertension and cerebral amyloid angiopathy. The occurrence of a hemorrhagic stroke against the background of atrial fibrillation in combination with hypertension is a rather rare phenomenon and poses a problem in the choice of treatment for such patients. The aim was to determine the optimal treatment for a complex case of a hemorrhagic stroke with atrial fibrillation in combination with hypertension. Materials and methods. We present the clinical case of an 84-year-old woman who developed a hemorrhagic stroke on the background of atrial fibrillation in combination with hypertension. The main issue the cardio-neurological team faced was the administration of oral anticoagulants. On the one hand, the patient had indications for their administration according to current clinical guidelines (CHA2 DS2-VASc score of 6 points); on the other hand, the presence of a hemorrhagic stroke is a contraindication. Results. This case demonstrates the solution to the difficult issue of choosing treatment for a hemorrhagic stroke and prevention of secondary complications of atrial fibrillation in combination with hypertension. After medical cardioversion, using clinical recommendations for the treatment of a hemorrhagic stroke, as well as given the positive dynamics of the neurological status, the patient was prescribed apixaban at a dose of 2.5 mg twice a day under the control of a coagulogram from the 7th day of the disease onset. Conclusions. We believe it is necessary to perform a thorough neurological examination and assessment of cognitive functions in all patients with atrial fibrillation, as well as to consider neuroimaging prior to the prescription of anticoagulant therapy. We recommend considering the administration of oral anticoagulants to patients with a low risk of recurrence and a high risk of thromboembolic complications after intracerebral hemorrhage.Item Adaptation features among medical students to distance learning(2021-05) Safargalina-Kornilova, Nadiy; Pomazanov, Dmitro; Borshchova, Zlata; Bibichenko, ViktoriyItem Analysis of students` cardiovascular system reaction on physical activity of different intensity depending on autonomic nervous system reaction(2023) Chunikhovska, Elina; Khokhlov, Yaroslav; Ovcharenko, NinaItem Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in mucous membrane of small and large intestines in patients in post-COVID-19 period(2022-10-21) Myroshnychenko, Mykhailo; Kapustnyk, Nataliia; Arseniev, Oleksandr; Molodan, DmytroItem Assessment of the functional state of the vessels endothelium in rats with a nitrite-induced model of Alzheimer-type dementia(2023) Pavlova, Olena; Lukyanova, Yevgeniya; Павлова, Олена Олексіївна; Лук’янова, Євгенія МихайлівнаItem Awareness of medical students of medical students of the diagnostic significance of fever as one of the first symptoms of COVID-19(2023) Кузнецова, Мілена Олександрівна; Бойко, Ілля Сергійович; Kuznetsova, M.; Boiko, I.Item The balance of regulatory cytokines in the blood serum in the offspring of rats who were kept on a hypocaloric diet during pregnanc(2022-05-19) Pavlova, Olena; Sirenko, Viktor; Sulhdost, InnaItem Beyond survival: Distance learning as a lifeline for medical education іn Ukraine during the war(2024) Marakushyn, Dmytro; Bondareva, Alla; Morozov, OleksandrItem Biochemical changes in the extracellular matrix of rat liver during chronic alcohol intoxication(2023) Mykytenko, Andrii; Akimov, Oleg; Yeroshenko, Galina; Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Neporada, KarineExcessive alcohol consumption is a global health problem worldwide, resulting in more than 3 million deaths each year. The purpose of this work was to study the biochemical markers of intercellular matrix metabolism of rat liver under the conditions of chronic alcohol intoxication modeling. The experiments were performed on 30 male Wistar rats, weighing 180-220 g. The animals were divided into 2 groups: І – control; ІІ – chronic alcohol intoxication. Animals were removed from the experiment on days 10, 14, 21 and 28. We studied concentration of glycosaminoglycans, oxyproline and sialic acids in rat liver. We established that the greatest depolymerization of proteoglycans was on the 21st day, the highest intensity of collagenolysis was on the 14th day. Glycoproteins underwent the greatest catabolism on the 28th day. Chronic alcohol intoxication on the 28th day led to increased breakdown of glycoproteins and proteoglycans of the extracellular matrix of the liver, and increased the intensity of collagenolysis.Item Biopolymer gels as components of protective medium for cryopreservation of spermatogonial stem cells(2022) Volkova, Nataliia; Yukhta, Mariia; Stepaniuk, Lyudmyla; Sokil, Larisa; Chernyshenko, Lyudmyla; Goltsev, AnatoliyBiopolymer gels attract a lot of attention in a field of biothechnology due to their excellent compatibility and degradation. Their application is also promising for cryopreservation of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) which is so necessary to preserve the fertility of young patients. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of biopolymer gels as a component of cryopreservation medium for SSCs of immature rats at the stage of exposure to cryoprotectants. It was found that 30-min exposure to cryopreservation media based on collagen or fibrin gel with an addition of 5% Me2SO or 6% glycerol did not lead to significant changes in membrane integrity, cytochrome C content, metabolic, mitochondrial and antioxidant activities in SSCs compared to the control (Leibovitz-based cryomedium). But fibrin gel more than collagen reduced the toxic effects of Me2SO and glycerol on SSCs increasing exposure time up to 45 min without significant changes in cell viability. The same cryoprotectants in Leibovitz-based media showed significant toxicity starting from the 15th minute of exposure. Necrosis was the main cause of cell death at this stage of cryopreservation in all experimental groups. The obtained results can be used to optimize SSC cryopreservation protocols for further cell autotransplantation for spermatogenesis initiation in boys who undergo gonadotoxic therapy in prepubertal age.Item Bone marrow hemopoiesis in inflammatory blood system reactions(2021-01-15) Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Sych, VolodimirItem Brain integrated activity in medical students under conditions of adaptation to psychoemotional stress(2019-03) Marakushyn, Dmytro; Chernobay, Larysa; Vasylieva, Oksana; Morozov, Oleksandr; Korobchanskyi, PavloItem Bплив незбалансованого харчування з підвищеним вмістом нутрієнтів на морфофункціональний стан ендокринної частини підшлункової залози одномісячного потомства щурів(2021-10) Огнєва, Лілія Гаррієвна; Ковальцова, Марина Вікторівна; Сулхдост, Інна ОлександрівнаНераціональне харчування в період вагітності, а саме вживання надмірно калорійної дієти, може привести до несприятливих наслідків - викиднів, передчасних пологів, народження дитини з патологією внутрішніх органів, в тому числі підшлункової залози. Гіперкалорійна дієта вагітних щурів є істотним чинником ризику розвитку хронічної панкреатичної недостатності і цукрового діабету у одномісячного потомства.Item CAR-Т - клітинна терапія(2019-11-21) Братчук, Кирил Володимирович; Сафаргаліна-Корнілова, Надія АсхатівнаItem Cervical cancer: influence of genes on disease progression(2020) Fishenzon, Illia; Duhar, SofiiaItem Changes in vascular endothelial function in rats with experimental scopolamine-induced alzheimer-type dementia(2023) Pavlova, Olena; Lukyanova, YevgeniaItem Characterization of the effect of chronic immobilization stress on the structural and functional state of the liver of mother rats and their one-month-old offspring as a risk factor for liver cancer(2023) Kuznetsova, Milena; Bibichenko, Viktoriia; Kuznetsova, Irina; Sarapulova, SnizhanaItem Chronic inflammatory processes of the maternal genitourinary system, its role in cardiovascular diseases development in their children: Ukrainian and European experience of prevention as the key to the health of future generations(2023) Olianych, Serhii; Myroshnychenko, Mykhailo; Pasiyeshvili, Nana; Kapustnyk, Nataliia; Bibichenko, VictoriaCardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of morbidity in the world. The burden of CVDs continues to increase over the past decade in almost all countries of the world. The prevalence of CVDs in the world has almost doubled from 271 million i 1990 to 523 million in 2019. The number of deaths from CVDs over the same period has increased by twofold from 12.1 million to 18.6 million. The indicators of years of life with disability and lost years also doubled in total from 17.7 million in 1990 to 34.4 million in 2019. Data from Ukrainian and European statistics testify to the need for timely active measures aimed at preventing the development of CVDs. Modern strategies for the prevention of CVDs are primarily aimed at correcting the known risk factors: quitting smoking, regular physical exercise, normalizing body mass index, glucose, normalizing blood pressure, etc. What is not taken into account in this strategy? The very first periods of a human life, which significantly program health, duration and quality of life, remain beyond attention. In the structure of genital and extragenital pathology of women of reproductive age, significant parts are inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, which are characterized by predominantly chronic course. Simultaneous development of inflammatory diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems is explained by the facts that these systems organs develop from one primary germ layer (mesoderm), they have a close anatomical-physiological connection, a common blood supply and lymphatic system, and are also target organs of sex hormones activity. Babies born prematurely are at a greater risk of developing heart failure later in life. The incidence of heart failure in individuals born extremely prematurely (less than 28 weeks gestation) was 17.0 times higher compared to those born at term (37 weeks or more), after taking into account other factors. Similarly, those born very prematurely (28 to 31 weeks gestation) had an incidence of heart failure 3.58 times higher compared to term births. The analysis of the research results of Ukrainian and European scientists has shown that chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system of the mother are a significant damaging factor that can change the morphological and functional state of the fetal and newborn cardiovascular system and cause the development of CVDs at various stages of ontogenesis. Thus, chronic inflammatory processes of the mother's genitourinary system are one of the factors that can cause the development of CVDs in children at different stages of ontogenesis. The classic concept of CVDs prevention should be supplemented taking into account the programming effect of harmful factors that act on the preconception and prenatal stages and reliably increase the risk of CDVs development. Among the reproduktive age, it is extremely necessary to carry out measures aimed at prevention, timely diagnostics and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.Item Clinical and morphological correlation dependencies and their significance in patients with complications of labored eruption of the lower third molars(2021-03) Malanchuk, Vladislav; Volovar, Oksana; Oblap, Mykola; Brodetskyi, Igor; Dobryi-Vechir, Tatyana; Hryhorovskyi, Valerii; Brodetska, Liudmyla; Dyadyk, Olena; Myroshnychenko, MykhailoThe aim is to determine the clinical and morphological dependencies, which are important for diagnostics, treatment and prediction of outcomes of pathological processes in the region of the LTM with complicated eruption, as based on the study of histopathological changes of paradental tissue (mucous membrane, walls of retromolar pocket, alveolar bone tissue). The correlation relationships between the patients’ clinical data and the morphological parameters of damage to paradental tissue are weak, multidirectional and uncertain in the majority of combinations (considering the available number of biopsy specimens studied). The close certain positive dependence between the damage of the squamous epithelium and the inflammation activity in the lamina propria mucosae, covering the tooth: in the vast majority of cases, the presence of damaged epithelium (within the biopsy specimen) is associated with the inflammation of high activity, was established as based on correlation relationships between the morphological parameters of damage to paradental tissue. The found pathological changes and the correlations justify surgical tactics on paradental soft and osseous tissues that are directed on the LTM sparing.Item Clinical and morphological features of eccrine acrospiroma: analysis of literature data and case from practice(2024) Myroshnychenko, Mykhailo; Sakal, Hanna; Pasiyeshvili, Nana; Kapustnyk, Nataliia; Kucheriavchenko, Maryna; Kotenko, Oleksandr; Maistrenko, Ihor; Sirenko, VictorEccrine acrospiroma is a rare benign tumor of the skin arising from the epithelial cells of eccrine sweat ducts. The clinical picture is characterized by its variability, so a detailed morphological study of the operative material is necessary to establish a diagnosis. Differential diagnosis must be carried out with hemangioma, melanoma, infected sebaceous cyst, metastatic skin lesion, and other tumors from elements of the sweat gland. In the article the authors presented the clinical and morphological analysis of own case from practice of large eccrine acrospiroma on the back surface of the left thigh which was diagnosed in a 56-year-old man.