Лекційні матеріали для студентів. Кафедра клінічної анатомії та оперативної хірургії
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1549
Item Topographic Anatomy of the Facial Part of the Head. Operative Technique on the Head(2015-10-21) Vdovichenko, ViacheslavTopographic anatomy of the facial part of the head. Innervation (n.trigeminus & n.facialis) of the face. Operative technique on the Head. Traumas of the Head. Specific of wound treatment on the Head. Craniotomy: decompresive and osteoplastic. Specific of wounds of the Face. Fractures of the Upper and Lower Jaw. Anesthesia technique of trigeminal nerveItem Introduction in Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery. Topographic Anatomy of the Head(2015-10-21) Vdovichenko, ViacheslavItem Topographic anatomy and operative surgery of the chest wall, mediastinum, the pericardium & heart(Kharkiv National Medical University, 2017) Vdovichenko, ViacheslavItem Operative surgery of regions and organs of the neck(Kharkiv National Medical University, 2017) Vdovichenko, ViacheslavItem Operative surgery of organs of the peritoneal cavity(Kharkiv National Medical University, 2017) Vdovichenko, ViacheslavLecture No 5 (Lecture referat): Operative surgery of organs of the peritoneal cavityItem Clinical anatomy of the neck. Operative surgery of regions and organs of the neck(Kharkiv National Medical University, 2018) Vdovichenko, ViacheslavItem Operative surgery of organs of the peritoneal cavity(Kharkiv National Medical University, 2018) Vdovichenko, ViacheslavItem Clinical anatomy and operative surgery of the chest wall, mediastinum, the pericardium & heart(Kharkiv National Medical University, 2018) Vdovichenko, ViacheslavItem Introduction in topographic anatomy and operative surgery(Kharkiv National Medical University, 2018) Kondrusyk, NataliiaItem Topographic anatomy and operative surgery of the abdomen. Surgical anatomy of hernia(2018-11-27) Kondrusyk, NataliiaItem Введение в оперативную хирургию и топографическую анатомию(2018-12-07) Дуденко, Владимир ГригорьевичItem Лапаротомия. Кишечный шов. Анастомозы. Операции на органах брюшной полости(2018-12-07) Дуденко, Владимир ГригорьевичItem Топографическая анатомия и оперативная хирургия переднего отдела и органов шеи(2018-12-07) Евтушенко, Ирина ЯковлевнаItem Топографическая анатомия и оперативная хирургия областей мозгового и лицевого отделов головы(2018-12-07) Падалица, Маргарита АнатольевнаItem Клиническая анатомия и оперативная хирургия грудной клетки(2018-12-07) Горяинова, Галина Вячеславовна