Emotional stress adaptation aspects on the background of organizm general electromagnetic irradiation (EMI)

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Yanioglo, O.
Krukovets, N.
Sokol, E.

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The distinguishing feature of the modern human vital activity conditions is the environment saturation with various factors that affect physical and psychophysiological state, working capacity and resistance to diseases. These include electromagnetic waves, generated by the variety of industrial sources, communications means, scientific research, medicine and in everyday life. Therefore, one of the most promising ways of maintaining vital activity at the desirable health level is the actualization of the reserves of psychophysiological adaptation to various influences. The present work purpose is the study of emotional stress adaptation vegetative components under conditions of organism low intensity general electromagnetic irradiation.


The long-term organism general irradiation with low intensity electromagnetic waves causes disorder of the intersystem integration and the regulation vegetative mechanisms concurrency during emotional stress adaptation process.


emotional stress, adaptation, electromagnetic irradiation


Yanioglo O. Emotional stress adaptation aspects on the background of organizm general electromagnetic irradiation (EMI) / O. Yanioglo, N. Krukovets, E. Sokol // 10th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference (ISIC) for medical students and young scientists, Kharkiv, 19–20 May 2017 : аbstract book / KhNMU. – Kharkiv, 2017. – P. 23.