Clinical and paraclinical features of the adverse course of infectious mononucleosis in children

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Lysak, Diana
Shapovalova, Yevgenia
Kolesnyk, Yana
Rudyashko, Nataliya

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Herpesvirus infections (HVI) remain an urgent problem in modern pediatrics. First of all, this is due to their widespread distribution, the ability to persist for life with periodic activation and the transition of latent forms into manifest and generalized ones. According to WHO experts (2018), we are currently talking about a pandemic of herpes virus infections: up to 90% of the adult and child population of the planet are infected with herpes viruses (HV), while 50% of them have manifest forms of infection. Infectious mononucleosis (IM) is the most common, characteristic clinical manifestation of herpesvirus infections. The difficulties of treating patients, the formation in some cases of unfavorable variants of the course and outcomes determine the medical and social significance of this pathology.



children, infectious mononucleosis


Clinical and paraclinical features of the adverse course of infectious mononucleosis in children / Ya. V. Kolesnyk, D. D. Lysak, N. V. Rudyashko, Ye. O. Shapovalova // Today's problems in pediatrics : materials of the VIII Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists with international participation, Kharkiv, February 23, 2023. – Kharkiv, 2023. – P. 54–55.