Epithelial-mesenchymal transformation as a mechanism of sclerosis development in the kidneys, ureters and bladder of fetuses and newborns from mothers, whose pregnancy was complicated by iron deficiency anemia and preeclampsia

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Sorokina, I
Danylchenko, S
Myroshnychenko, Mykhailo
Kapustnyk, N
Lytvynenko, O

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A comprehensive analysis of the immunohistochemical reactions revealed the sign of epithelial-mesenchymal transformation in the kidneys, ureters and bladder of fetuses and newborns, characterized by loss of the cells epithelial phenotype and acquisition of mesenchymal phenotype, which were more pronounced in the cases of their development in conditions of maternal preeclampsia and less pronounced in maternal iron deficiency anemia, increased from the fetus to the newborn and with the maternal pathology degree of severity enlargement. Epithelial-mesenchymal transformation, which takes an active part in the development of such irreversible process as sclerosis, in the urinary system organs of fetuses and newborns, which developed in conditions of maternal preeclampsia and iron deficiency anemia, must be given due attention that in future will help to find new methods of prevention and treatment.



epithelial-mesenchymal transformation, preeclampsia, iron deficiency anemia, urinary system organs, sclerosis, fetus, newborn, 2024а


Epithelial-mesenchymal transformation as a mechanism of sclerosis development in the kidneys, ureters and bladder of fetuses and newborns from mothers, whose pregnancy was complicated by iron deficiency anemia and preeclampsia / I. Sorokina, S. Danylchenko, M. Myroshnychenko, N. Kapustnyk, O. Lytvynenko // Əziz məmmədkərim oğlu əliyevin doğum gununə həsr olunmuş elmi-praktiki konfransin məcmuəsi. – Baki, 2019. – P. 119─129.