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The reducing edge fibrosis graft after surgical corporoplastic

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Lisovyi, Volodymyr
Arkatov, Andriy
Knigavko, Oleksandr

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Application corporoplasty using geometric principles in a dense ossified plaque is a common method. However, after such operations often arises fibrosis in graft-linking with the tunica of the corpora cavernosa. This complication reduces the size of the penis, may cause distortion, compression, deterioration of sexuality and even urethral stricture. The aim of our study was to explore the process of fibrosis edge of the graft and reduce fibrosis of graft.



рeyronie's disease, corporoplastic, graft


Lesosvoy V. The reducing edge fibrosis graft after surgical corporoplastic / V. Lesovoy, A. Arkatov, O. Knigavko // The Journal of Sexual Medicine. – 2014. – Vol. 11, Issue Suppl. S1 : 16th Annual Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine and the 12th Congress of the European sexology Federation, Istanbul, Turkey, January 29-february 1, 2014. – Р. 61.