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Realization of reproductive potential in women with dysmenorrhea in adolescent age

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Tuchkina, Irina
Zobina, L.
Dobrovolskaya, Larisa
Vygivska, Liudmila
Blagoveshchensky, Evgeniy
Maltsev, G.
Pokryshko, S.

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The aim of this study has been to examine the clinical peculiarities of pregnancy in women who had dysmenorrhea in pubertal age.Thus, in women with dysmenorrhea at puberty, who received adequate therapy, the realization of reproductive potential has been observed in 81.4%. Yet, a complicated course of pregnancy is frequently observed. Thus, there is a need for early diagnosis and treatment of menstrual disorders during puberty.



dysmenorrhea, female adolescents, complex therapy


Realization of reproductive potential inwomen with dysmenorrhea in adolescent age / I. Tuchkina, L. Zobina, L. Dobrovolskaya, L. Vigovskaya, Ye Blagoveschenskiy, G. Maltsev, S. Pokrischko // 16th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, Firenze, 5-8 March 2014. – Firenze, 2014. – P. 79.