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Development of a functional model of the information system of determination of emotional and cognitive disoreders in patients with discircular encephalopathy

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Rysovana, L.
Vysotska, O.
Panforova, I.
Alekseienko, Roman

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The article presents information technology for the detection of emotional and cognitive disorders, which provides a detailed display of the process of their detection, by designing IDEF0 diagrams. The results reflect a structured description of the diagnostic process, which allows identifying emotional and cognitive disorders in patients with discirculatory encephalopathy. This information technology can be used by psychiatrists, psychotherapists and medical psychologists.


Thus, the IDEF0 designed diagrams are one of the initial stages of the process of developing an information system for detecting emotional and cognitive disorders. The functional model "Detection of Emotional and Cognitive Disorders in Patients with Dyscirculatory Encephalopathy" presented in the article describes the work of the information system "KognitivDE", which promotes the improvement of the accuracy of emotional and cognitive disorders in patients with DE, reducing the time spent and reducing the cost of the survey.


emotional and cognitive disorders, information technology, IDEF0 diagrams


Development of a functional model of the information system of determination of emotional and cognitive disoreders in patients with discircular encephalopathy / L. M. Rysovana, O. V. Vуsotska, I. Yu. Panforova, R. V. Alekseienko // Modern European Researches. – 2018. – Iss. 1. – P. 37–47.