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Adaptation index and functional state of central nervous system in medical students during the period of intensive learning activity

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Vaschuk, Мykola
Sokol, Olena
Khorshunova, Anastasiia
Chernysh, Hanna
Yacenko, Alina

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In research, an assessment has been conducted of the adaptation potential indicators of medical students with different individual-typological features of higher integrative processes with the determination of the functional state of the CNS by the following quantitative criteria: functional level of the system, stability of the reaction and level of functional capabilities that were determined using simple visual motor reaction. The property of functional mobility was determined by the magnitude of the maximum speed for an unmistakable differentiation of positive and inhibitory stimuli. The adaptation score was calculated using the L.H. Harkavy with distribution by type of adaptive response of female students: Group 1 (2%) with stress response; Group 2 (17%) with a workout reaction; Group 3 (31%) with a calm activation reaction; Group 4 (47%) with an increased activation reaction and Group 5 (3%) with a reactivation reaction. During the initial stages of stress, an increase in excitation processes was observed. During the training reaction, a low level of immune system reactivity is reflected in the severity of inhibitory processes. With calm activation, inhibition processes intensified in the physiological range. With increased activation, the processes of excitation rather predominated over the processes of inhibition. During the reactivation reaction, excessive excitation processes prevailed.


As a result of the study, the functional state of the central nervous system turned out to be the most unfavorable for each adaptive response. During the initial stages of stress, an increase in excitation processes was observed. During the training reaction, a low level of immune system reactivity is reflected in the severity of inhibitory processes. With calm activation, inhibition processes intensified in the physiological range. With increased activation, the processes of excitation rather predominated over the processes of inhibition. During the reactivation reaction, excessive excitation processes prevailed.


adaptation indicator, non-specific adaptation reaction, functional mobility of nervous processes, strength of nervous processes


Adaptation index and functional state of central nervous system in medical students during the period of intensive learning activity / М. А. Vaschuk, O. М. Sokol, А. М. Khorshunova, H. O. Chernysh, A. Yu. Yacenko // World science. – 2019. –Special education : VI Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists in Physiology «Physiology to Medicine, Pharmacy and Pedagogics: Actual Problems and Modern Advancements», Warsaw, Poland, May 15–16, 2019. – P. 67–69.