Surfactant protein C genetic polymorphism in patients with occupational COPD is associated with right ventricle changes

dc.contributor.authorКалмиков, Олексій Олексійович
dc.contributor.authorКалмыков, Алексей Алексеевич
dc.contributor.authorKalmykov, Oleksiy
dc.descriptionтези доповідейuk_UK
dc.description.abstractIndividual peculiarities are taken into account in development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The role of surfactant protein C (SFTP-С) genetic polymorphism is known in development of irreversible bronchial obstruction component as most typical feature of COPD. However, relation of SFTP-С to cardiological consequences of COPD was not studied enough. Aims and objectives: Investigation of relation of SFTP-С genetic polymorphism with development of right heart hypertrophy and dysfunction, estimation of prophylactic potential of clinical-genetic investigation in workers exposed to dust. In 42 male Caucasian workers from machine-building industry 51,3±14,42 years old COPD of 2nd stage according to GOLD (2010) was diagnosed. Genotypes of SFTP-С: А138С and А186G were investigated in polymerase chain reaction with following mass spectrometry analysis. Morphofunctional state of heart was defined echocardiographically. It was stated that А138С and А186G polymorphisms of SFTP-С gene are connected with right heart changes. E.g., СС genotype is associated with right ventricle hypertrophy, GG genotype – with decrease of right ventricle pre-expulsion (p<0,01). This may be explained by determinant role of certain SFTP-С phenotypes in pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema, further disturbances of circulation and increased right ventricle pre-load. Evaluation of SFTP-С genetic polymorphism in workers of dust-related occupations has a perspective of introduction as a prognostic marker in prophylaxis of COPD cardiovascular complications.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractУ когортному проспективному досліджені доведено, що оцінка генетичного поліморфізму сурфактантного білку С у робітників пилових професій має перспективи впровадження в якості прогностичного маркера у профілактику хронічного обструктивного захворювання легенів та його серцево-судинних ускладнень.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractВ когортном проспективном исследовании доказано, что оценка генетического полиморфизма сурфактантного белка С у рабочих пылевых профессий имеет перспективы внедрения в качестве прогностического маркера в профилактику хронической обструктивной болезни легких и его сердечно-сосудистых осложнений.uk_UK
dc.identifier.citationKalmykov O. O. Surfactant protein C genetic polymorphism in patients with occupational COPD is associated with right ventricle changes : abstracts European Respiratory Society 22nd Annual Congress 2012, Vienna, 1–5 September, 2012 / O. O. Kalmykov // European Respiratory Journal. – 2012. – Vol. 40, Suppl. 56.uk_UK
dc.subjectchronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseuk_UK
dc.subjectsurfactant protein Cuk_UK
dc.subjectheart failureuk_UK
dc.subjectoccupational pathologyuk_UK
dc.subjectхронічне обструктивне захворювання легенівuk_UK
dc.subjectсурфактантний протеїн Сuk_UK
dc.subjectсерцева недостатністьuk_UK
dc.subjectпрофесійна патологіяuk_UK
dc.subjectхроническая обструктивная болезнь легкихuk_UK
dc.subjectсурфактантный белок Сuk_UK
dc.subjectсердечная недостаточностьuk_UK
dc.subjectпрофессиональная патологияuk_UK
dc.subjectgenetic polymorphismuk_UK
dc.subjectгенетичний поліморфізмuk_UK
dc.subjectгенетический полиморфизмuk_UK
dc.titleSurfactant protein C genetic polymorphism in patients with occupational COPD is associated with right ventricle changesuk_UK


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