Morphological features of different parts of the human diaphragm

dc.contributor.authorDudenko, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorVdovichenko, Viacheslav
dc.contributor.authorKurinnyi, Viacheslav
dc.description.abstractA study to determine the degree of heterogeneity of the various layers of the human diaphragm in its various departments, coated pleura, pericardium or peritoneum. The material was processed and colored with hematoxylin and eosin, and pirofuksin by van Gieson. Microscopic examination was carried out on microscope «Olympus BX-41." Microscopic examination of the fragment diaphragm tissue from the muscular portion (rib portion of the diaphragm), adjacent to the pericardial area on the right and/or left, where the part of the thoracic cavity the diaphragm is covered by the parietal pleura, it is noted that both the surface (mesothelial) layer presents the lining consisting of typical for a single-layer flat epithelium thin flattened cells. These cells lie on a basal membrane, below which is a thin layer of dense, loose connective tissue layer and a layer of dense connective tissue hyalinized collagen fiber bundles. All connective tissue structures at coloring pikrofuksin by van Gieson stained bright red or dark red color. Between the fibers of the connective tissue located vessels of the microvasculature and nerves. Described structural elements form a serous integument (parietal pleura and peritoneum), subserous layer and subpleurar and subperitoneal fasciae (fascia diaphragmatica and fascia endoabdominalis respectively). In subserous departments on both sides (more pronounced in subperitoneal departments) are determined by the inclusion of adipose tissue composed of fat cells, having the form of rounded-oval, colorless voids of various sizes with H & E stain, which are organized into groups or segments. In the above-described layers is a massive muscle layer with large muscle fibers which are uniformly stained cytoplasm eosin. The nuclei of the muscle fibers are preferably elongated, oval-shaped, and in most cases are located at the periphery. Their long axis oriented parallel to the core muscle fiber. Between the muscle fibers are very delicate and thin layer of connective tissue called endomysium. Endomysium contains many microvascular and nerve fibers. In some fields of a small amount of fibroblasts in endomysium determined. By studying the slides aperture fragment from the center of the area of contact of the right half of the heart and the diaphragm, it is noted that the inner and outer sides, ie, pericardial cavity from the abdominal cavity and, this passage aperture as well as the previous ones, is lined with a single layer of mesothelial cells lying on the basal membrane, which is located below a layer of connective tissue. In previous aperture fragments observed both loose and dense connective tissue in the same ratio, the predominance of this fragment is marked dense connective tissue. In the middle part of the fragment is determined by the aperture a small amount of thinning of the muscle fibers, which terminate in the connective tissue structures, sometimes with symptoms lipomatosis. Microvascular and nerve fibers pass in between the muscle and connective tissue fibers. Described on macroscopic examination furrow separating diaphragm to contact the place of the left and right heart, histologically at the peak of the transition "pits" is characterized by fields of dense connective tissue, sometimes with symptoms hyalinosis. The left part of the fragment is much thinner than the right and is represented by fibro-fatty tissue - namely, fibrous with layers of fat that are fields fibrosis subserous and serous layers, covered with mesothelium (parietal leaf pericardium and parietal peritoneum). The fat component is more pronounced from the abdominal cavity. Muscular fibers in the diaphragm portion are not present. The structure of the right side of this fragment is virtually indistinguishable from the structure of a fragment taken from the center of the contact area of the right heart and the diaphragm, however, in this zone are more pronounced degenerative and atrophic processes in the muscle fibers, as well as there are areas with hyalinosis phenomena. The analysis of the results of the study showed that pericardial area consists of two unequal parts, respectively contact with the right and left ventricles, the morphological structure of these parts varies by the presence or absence of the muscle fibers, the shape and size often depends the shape and size of the ventricles, the main reasons affecting the structure of the site are pericardial heart weight and age of the person.ru_RU
dc.identifier.citationDudenko V. G. Morphological features of different parts of the human diaphragm / V. G. Dudenko, V. Yu. Vdovichenko, V. V. Kurinnyi // Вісник проблем біології та медицини. – 2016. – Вип. 2, т. 2 (129). – С. 104–107.ru_RU
dc.publisherВДНЗУ "Українська медична стоматологічна академія", м. Полтава, Українаru_RU
dc.subjectmorphology of diaphragmru_RU
dc.subjectpericardial plateru_RU
dc.subjectmuscular partru_RU
dc.titleMorphological features of different parts of the human diaphragmru_RU


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