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Relationship between sleep status and the type 2 diabetes course

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Baskakova, Anastasiia
Sikalo, Yuliia

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Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a current disease and a priority problem of the global health care system, given the steady growth of its prevalence. Since 2016, more than 2 million patients with DMhave registered in Ukraine, 90% are patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. According to a report by the World Health Organization, type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the four priority noncommunicable diseases included in the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control. At the present stage, the algorithm for combating type 2 diabetes mellitus involves, above all, early diagnosis and detection of relatively healthy population risk factors, their correction, as well as dynamic control of carbohydrate metabolism.



sleep status, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep disorders


Baskakova A. Relationship between sleep status and the type 2 diabetes course / A. Baskakova, Yu. Sikalo // ISIC-2020 : [International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference for medical students and young scientists, Kharkiv, 8–9 October, 2020] : abstract book / KNMU. – Kharkiv, 2020. – P. 58–60.