Features of adaptation reactions of organism of students, which depend on the presence of chronic diseases in anamnesis

dc.contributor.authorZelinskaya, Hanna
dc.contributor.authorZelenskaya, Katerina
dc.contributor.authorSukhachova, I.
dc.contributor.authorKovalenko, A.
dc.contributor.authorBazyleva, Yuliya
dc.description1. For students with the presence of chronic diseases in anamnesis by a type NARO "activating" the major line of curatively-rehabilitation measures must be an increase of motive activity. The special role for proceeding in their capacity is played by active rest. 2. Except specific treatment with the aim of maintenance of capacity of students on a type NARO "activating wears" away it is expedient to conduct an activating prophylaxis adapt genes or other biostimulators of natural origin. Useful controlled physical activities are dosed. Sanatoriumresort treatment appears effective. 3. Tactics of activating therapy of girls on a type NARO "stress" are individually neat activating therapy. Physical activities rhythmic and dosed, in default of heavy disease and bed mode, substantially will promote efficiency of activating therapy.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractIn the article the results of research and authentication of character of adaptation reactions are reflected in 515 students of the second course of stomatological and medical faculties of the Kharkiv national medical university. Conducted differentiation and analyzed features of adaptation reactions for students with chronic diseases in anamnesis. It is set that in 84,9 % of students with chronic diseases in anamnesis the nonspecific adaptation reaction of organism is a reaction of activating. The reaction of an increase activating prevailed at the far of these students. The reaction of the quiet activating was observed in 36,21 % of students with chronic diseases in anamnesis. Certain character of nonspecific adaptation reactions after the index of Harkavy`s and conducted estimation of levels of reactivity on shown of signs of tension in leucocyte formula. Depending on the types of nonspecific adaptation reactions the inspected students have certain features of adaptation therapy. KEYWORDSru_RU
dc.identifier.citationFeatures of adaptation reactions of organism of students, which depend on the presence of chronic diseases in anamnesis / H. M. Zelinskaya, K. A. Zelenskaya, I. A. Sukhachova, A. A. Kovalenko, Yu. G. Bazyleva // World science. – 2019. – Special education : VI Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists in Physiology «Physiology to Medicine, Pharmacy and Pedagogics: Actual Problems and Modern Advancements», Warsaw, Poland, May 15–16, 2019. – P. 43–46.ru_RU
dc.subjectadaptation reactionsru_RU
dc.subjectchronic diseasesru_RU
dc.titleFeatures of adaptation reactions of organism of students, which depend on the presence of chronic diseases in anamnesisru_RU


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