Features of mechanical injuries of the lower extremities according to a forensic medical examination: a retrospective analysis

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Sokol, Vyacheslav
Sokol, Kostiantyn
Kolesnichenko, Vira

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As a result of a retrospective analysis of commission (additional) forensic medical examination, the prevalence of road traffic injuries (109; 94.0% cases) in mechanical injuries of the lower extremities was established. Domestic (5; 4.2%), work (1; 0.9%) and sports (1; 0.9%) injuries were also indicated It was found that to establish the degree of permanent disability loss according to the outcome of fractures of the femur and shin bones, commission examinations were appointed in 24.1% of cases. The main reason for the commission examinations appointment was to establish the bodily injuries presence (6.9%), as well as to establish the bodily injuries presence and their severity (62.9%) in cases of road traffic injury (lethal and non-lethal). The use of commission forensic medical examination is mainly related to the criminal law criteria of the preliminary investigation stage. The reason for conducting commission examinations on medical criteria is to establish the outcome of a fracture of the lower limb.



mechanical trauma of the lower extremities, forensic medical examination, outcomes of fractures of long bones of the lower extremities, road traffic injury


Sokol V. Features of mechanical injuries of the lower extremities according to a forensic medical examination: a retrospective analysis / V. Sokol, K. Sokol, V. Kolesnichenko // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2020. – Vol. LXXIII, issue 6, June. – Р. 1189–1193.



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