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Anatomical predictions of development of rhinosinusitis and its complications

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Alieksieieva, Victoriia
Алєксєєва, Вікторія Вікторівна
Алексеева, Виктория Викторовна

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Background. The anatomical structure of the paranasal sinuses of a person predetermines the risk of development, diversity of presentation, possibility of complications and features of surgical treatment of rhinosinusitis. Objective: of our study was to determine the thickness and density of the walls of the maxillary and frontal sinuses, which are potentially dangerous in terms of the development of complications. Materials and methods: Our study involved 121 subjects without any ENT diseases, who underwent SCT examination due to the reasons that were not related to abnormalities of ENT organs. Thickness and density in the region of the lower (orbital) wall and posterior (cerebral) wall of the frontal sinus were calculated. Results and Discussion. The maximum density was characteristic of the lower wall of the frontal sinus under physiological conditions and appeared 107.96 ± 201.64 Hu, the minimum for the lower wall was -29.98 ± 208.54 Hu. The thickness of the bone tissue in the frontal sinus was 4.05 ± 2.04 mm. Conclusion. The minimum density and thickness of the lower and posterior walls of the frontal sinus and upper and lower walls of the maxillary sinus was established under physiological conditions. The density of the posterior wall was found to be 25.4% lower than the density of the lower wall, and the thickness 22.2% lower.



frontal sinus, maxillary sinus, spiral computed tomography, bone density, bone thickness


Alekseeva V. Anatomical predictions of development of rhinosinusitis and its complications / V. Alekseeva // Inter Collegas. – 2020. – Vol. 7, No. 3. – P. 125–130.



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