The role of the Ministry of health at the initial stage of developing a national strategy for the prevention of obesity
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Pomohaibo, Kateryna
Ganshin, Nykolay
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In most countries it is the Ministry of Health has the responsibility and expertise necessary data to initiate the process of the fight against obesity, to draw public attention to the seriousness of the problem, provide information about its importance, to formulate the problem in relation to nutrition and physical activity. However, only one ministry does not have the mandate to develop the measures to implement others. Measures to combat obesity should also be carried out by other ministries: agriculture, trade and economy, education, media and communications, finance and transportation. To apply a multidisciplinary approach, which was proposed in the WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, it is necessary to develop measures based on the activities of each of the relevant ministries. Various sectors must contribute to the analysis of the problem and to feel responsibility for its decision. Otherwise, the policy will not be turned into real action.
Ministry of Health, obesity, WHO global strategy
Pomogaybo E. G. The role of the Ministry of health at the initial stage of developing a national strategy for the prevention of obesity / E. G. Pomogaybo, N. U. Ganshin // Актуальні питання соціальної медицини, організації та економіки охорони здоров’я в Україні : матеріали науково-практичної конференції (до 125-річчя з дня народження М. Г. Гуревича, Наркома охорони здоров’я України (1920–1925 рр.), першого завідувача кафедри соціальної гігієни Харківського медичного інституту (1923–1925 рр.)), Харків, 16 березня 2016 р. – Харків, 2016. – С. 93.