The method of particular situations and its influence оn the formation of communicative competence in medical students with different types of functional asymmetry

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Marakushyn, Dmytro
Bulynina, Oksana
Isaieva, Inna
Karmazina, Iryna
Alekseienko, Roman

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Persons with the left-side type of functional asymmetry took the most active part in the solution of situational tasks and they obtained a maximum point total 22.4 at the last experimental lesson in physiology. Persons with the mixed type of functional asymmetry and the socially-variable type of asymmetry persons had the most explicit negative communicative mindset and the use of the developed technique resulted in a decrease of the number of persons by such indicators as “open cruelty to people”, “covert cruelty to people and judgment about them” and “grumbling”. After the use of the method of particular situations the persons with a different type of functional asymmetry were able to cope easier with the following tasks, for example skillfully analyze the algorithm of the solution of real hands-on situations, build up the skills of the differentiation between the problems of primary and minor importance, formulate the problems; simulate especially complicated situations and interact with each other.



functional asymmetry, method of particular situations, methods of V.V. Boiko


The method of particular situations and its influence оn the formation of communicative competence in medical students with different types of functional asymmetry / D. Marakushyn, O. Bulynina, I. Isaieva, I. Karmazina, R. Alekseienko // Актуальні питання лінгвістики, професійної лінгводидактики, психології і педагогіки вищої школи : збірник статей ІV Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Полтава, 7–8 листопада 2019 р.). – Полтава : Астрая, 2019. – С. 244–250.