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The impact of emergent infections on the fetal state

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Vygivska, Liudmila
Tuchkina, Irina
Kalnytska, Violetta

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The study involved examination of 90 pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of gestation (Group 1 (25 pregnant) consisted of patients with a viral infection, CMV carriers, Group 2 (25 pregnant) included women with a viral infection, herpes simplex virus types 1/2, Group 3 amounted for 20 patients with a viral infection, herpes simplex virus type 6, Group 4 comprised 20 patients with normal pregnancy and no signs of infectioUltrasound examination of Group 1, 2 and 3 pregnant showed signs of intrauterine infection. Pregnant women with a viral infection were found to have intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and Group 3 patients more commonly had symmetrical 3rd degree IUGR. BPP indices showed initial signs of fetal distress in 5 (20%) Group 1 pregnant, 7 (27%) Group 2 pregnant and 11 (55%) Group 3 pregnant women. Doppler examination of uterine-feto-placental hemodynamics revealed a more pronounced increase in vascular resistance indices in Group 3 patients. Emergent infections (herpesvirus type 6) of pregnant trigger more pronounced changes in the feto-placental system than other viral infections. Herpesvirus type 6 is a common cause of fetal state deterioration, which manifests in intrauterine growth retardation, changes in biophysical profile and hemodynamic disorders in the mother-placenta-fetus system.n.



pregnancy, emergent infections, fetal state


Vygivskaya L. A. The impact of emergent infections on the fetal state / L. A. Vygivskaya, I. A. Tuchkina, V. B. Kalnytska // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2017. – T. 70, № 4. – P. 731–736.