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Awareness of patients with lung cancer about their health status as one of the components of perfomance the quality of the doctors’ work

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Zinchuk, Andrii
Urazova, Liliya
Zinchuk, Olga

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The paper presents the results of a study of awareness of patients with lung cancer about their health status, as well as studied the evaluation of the quality of medical staff.



lung cancer, quality of care, patient awareness


Zinchuk А. М. Awareness of patients with lung cancer about their health status as one of the components of perfomance the quality of the doctors’ work / А. М. Zinchuk, L. F. Urazova, О. G. Zinchuk // Матеріали XIХ міжнародного медичного конгресу студентів і молодих вчених присвячений пам’яті ректора, члена-кореспондента НАМН України, професора Леоніда Якимовича Ковальчука, Тернопіль, 27–29 квітня 2015 р. – Тернопіль : Укрмедкнига, 2015. – С. 414.