Crush syndrome. The amount of assistance at the stages of medical evacuation : methodical instructions for the 5th year students to the practical class

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Мартовицький, Дмитро Володимирович
Шелест, Борис Олексійович
Садовенко, Ольга Леонідівна
Брек, Валерія Василівна
Прохоренко, Василь Леонтійович
Бабічева, Олександра Олександрівна
Martovytskyi, Dmytro
Shelest, Borys
Sadovenko, O.
Brek, Valeria

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Syndrome of traumatic prolonged rhabdomyolysis, compression (STS, crash syndrome, crushing syndrome, traumatic limb compression syndrome, crushing syndrome, compression syndrome, release syndrome, Bywaters syndrome, myorenal syndrome, myoglobinuric nephrosis, ischemic muscle necrosis, etc.) – the body's reaction to endotoxicosis, which develops as a result of ischemic damage to tissues as a result of their mechanical compression, a severe pathological condition that occurs as a result of closed damage to significant areas of soft tissues under the influence of a large and long-lasting mechanical force; which is accompanied by a complex of specific pathological disorders: shock, heart rhythm disorders, acute kidney damage. The syndrome of prolonged tissue compression is a critical condition that has not yet been sufficiently studied, especially if the release of the compressed limbs is delayed. Obvious scenarios are accidents in mines, tunnels, traffic accidents, accidents, earthquakes and building collapses, terrorist acts. In each of these scenarios, the release can take a long time, usually due to technical issues.


Затверджено Вченою радою ХНМУ. Протокол № 9 від 28.09.2023.


crash syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, hyperkalemia, 2023а, МР2023/2023


Crush syndrome. The amount of assistance at the stages of medical evacuation : methodical instructions for the 5th year students to the practical class / comp.: D. Martovytskyi, B. Shelest, O. Sadovenko [et al.]. ─ Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2023. ─ 16 p.