Psychological factors and consequences of psychosocial stress during the pandemic

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Maruta, Natalya
Markova, Marianna
Kozhyna, Hanna
Aliieva, Tetiana
Yuryeva, Lyudmyla
Abdryakhimova, Tsira
Pshuk, Nataliia
Skrypnikov, Andrii

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The aim: Study of psychological factors and consequences of psychosocial stress which is formed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: In the research, we used methods: developed a common, assessment of psychosocial stress L. Reeder scale, assessment of distress R.Kessler, assessment of the presence of manifestations of anxiety-depressive response GAD-7, depression self-assessment scale PHQ-9, method of assessing neuropsychological adaptation I. Gurvich, assessment of psychosocial support D. Ziemet, the scale of assessment of family anxiety E. Eidemiller, W. Justickis, strategies for stress-coping behavior E. Heim, methods of assessing the quality of life A.A. Pushkarev, N.G. Arinchina (2000). The current factors of the impact of coronavirus on the mental state of the population have been investigated. The study involved 823 citizens of Ukraine, who filled out the developed Google form. Results:Threats of coronavirus disease, violation of the usual life stereotype, restriction of leisure activity, harmful interest in news about the pandemic, usage of tobacco plays an important role in the mechanisms of distress formation. These conditions raise the risk of increased stress, anxiety and depression. Conclusions: The investigations carried out suggested that the quarantine restrictions could be predisposing factors for mental health impairments. Under these conditions, risks of increased stress pressure, anxiety, and depression are rising. Measures on psycho-prevention should be performed on the base of the regularities identified



pandemic of COVID-19, psycho-emotional state, anxiety, stress, coping strategies, the quality of life


Psychological factors and consequences of psychosocial stress during the pandemic / N. A. Maruta, M. V. Markova, H. M. Kozhyna, T. А. Aliieva, L. М. Yuryeva, T. B. Abdryakhimova, N. G. Pshuk, A. M. Skrypnikov // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2021. – Vol. LXXIV, № 9 (1). – P. 2175–2181.