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Methodological bases of building the composition of questionnaires for medical and social research

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Shcherban, Nikolai
Myasoedov, Valery
Frolova, Tetyana
Melnychenko, Oleksandr
Bezrodna, Anastasiya
Emelyanova, Darya

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The following provisions have been used as a methodological basis for forming questions of standardized questionnaires: specifics of the questionnaire by appointment: for the adult population (profession; place of work; area of residence, etc.); for schoolgirls and female students (use of cosmetics, etc.); for parents of a child under 6 years (use of detergents when bathing the child, etc.); for parents of a sick child (possible contacts with surfactants when collecting retrograde medical history, etc.); information on the main harmful substances for the organism working in the industrial production resulting from the destruction of the surfactants; existing methodological requirements for standardized questionnaires: first of all, taking into account the purpose of the survey and the specifics of the contingent of respondents, and then taking into account the requirements by blocks of research: construction of the questionnaire; general information; health information collection and analysis of information received.



methodological bases, questionnaires, medical research, social research


Methodological bases of building the composition of questionnaires for medical and social research / N. Shcherban, V. Myasoedov, Т. Frolova, O. Melnychenko, A. Bezrodnaya, D. Emelyanova // Dynamics of the development of world science : The 1st International scientific and practical conference, Vancouver, October 23–25, 2019. ‒ Vancouver, 2019. ‒ С. 347–353.