Students' health status and their ability to adapt to a multinational university environment
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Mеlnychenko, Oleksandr
Ohniev, Viktor
Marakushyn, Dmytro
Isaieva, Inna
Batyuk, Liliya
Chovpan, Ganna
Melnychenko, Vladyslav
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In the pursuit of a happy future, students need to adapt to new living conditions in a multinational university environment. However, not everyone is ready for new challenges, which negatively affects their health. The publication is based on the results of a comprehensive multi-purpose randomized epidemiological study using a standardized questionnaire. Questionnaire results (n = 355) were tested for paired correlations of all considered factors. 94,4 % of respondents positively assess their overall health. Recommendations have been developed to improve students' adaptation to the university's multinational environment The key to safeguarding students' health is developing their skills in adapting to a multinational university environment.
student health, adaptability, university, multinational environment, interconnectivity
Students' health status and their ability to adapt to a multinational university environment / O. Меlnychenko, V. Ognіev, D. Marakushin, I. Isaieva, L. Batyuk, G. Chovpan, V. Melnychenko // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2021. – Vol. 74, issue 3, part 2. – Р. 746–749.