Anatomical variability of parathyroid glands in the fetal period of human development

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Lopushniak, Lesia
Honcharenko, V.
Sukhonosov, Roman

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Центр фінансово-економічних наукових досліджень


The study was conducted on 50 preparations of human fetuses without external signs of anatomical deviations or developmental anomalies using a complex of morphological research methods. The age of the subjects of the study was determined according to the consolidated tables of B.M. Patten (1959), B.P. Khvatova, Y.N. Shapovalova (1969) based on the measurement of parietal-coccygeal length (PCL). During the research, preparations of human fetuses from the museums of the Department of Human Anatomy named after M.G. Turkevich and the Department of Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery of Bukovinian State Medical University. Preparations of fetuses weighing more than 500.0 g were studied directly at the Chernivtsi Regional Communal Medical Institution «Pathological Anatomical Bureau» in accordance with the cooperation agreement.



anatomy, parathyroid glands, anatomical variability, human ontogenesis, 2023а


Lopushniak L. Ya. Anatomical variability of parathyroid glands in the fetal period of human development / L. Ya. Lopushniak, V. A. Honcharenko, R. O. Sukhonosov // Проблеми та перспективи розвитку науки, освіти і технологій в ХХІ столітті : міжнародна науково-практична конференція, Ізмаїл, 27 січня 2023 р. : збірник тез доповідей. ─ Ізмаїл : ЦФЕНД, 2023. ─ Ч. 2. ─ С. 40─41.