Behavioral medicine new branch of clinical practice

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Ahmad, Taha
Kochubiei, Oksana
Кочубей, Оксана Анатольевна
Кочубєй, Оксана Анатоліївна
Ащеулова, Тетяна Вадимівна
Ashcheulova, Tetyana
Ащеулова, Татьяна Вадимовна

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BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE NEW BRANCH OF CLINICAL PRACTICE Ahmad Taha, Kochubiei O, Ashcheulova T. Kharkiv National Medical University, Department of Propedeutics to Internal medicine №1, Basis of Bioethics and Biosafety Medical psychology is a specialty branch of clinical psychology focusing on connections between health and behavior. Medical psychologists use behavioral science-based procedures as a solution to both mental and physical health issues. Behavioral medicine (related to behavioral health, clinical health psychology and psychosomatic medicine) is a related branch of clinical practice in which psychologists emphasize the biopsychosocial approach to medicine, a model which recognizes the importance of addressing the interaction between physical, psychological and social factors in both the prevention and management of disease. Practitioners of behavioral medicine differ from medical psychologists in that they focus on the scientific application of behavioral interventions to a wide variety of medical conditions (e.g., asthma, gastrointestinal illnesses, cardiac conditions, spinal cord and brain injuries, chronic pain, headaches, and addictive illness). Topics in behavioral medicine: Behavior-related illnesses, Treatment adherence and compliance, Doctor-patient relationship, Psychodynamic formulations. Behavior-related illnesses: Many chronic diseases have a behavioral component, but the following illnesses can be significantly and directly modified by behavior, as opposed to using pharmacological treatment alone. Psychodynamic formulations: Behavioral medicine includes understanding the clinical applications of defense mechanisms such as denial, projection, regression, and transference.




Ahmad Taha Behavioral medicine new branch of clinical practice / Taha Ahmad, О. Kochubiei, T. Ashcheulova // Diagnostical methods in internal medicine and their ethical aspects : 5th Scientific Students’ Conference, Kharkiv, 12 of November 2015 : abstract book. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2015. – Р. 12–13.



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