The peculiarities of the pathogeny and clinical picture of generalized periodontitis among the patients with oral lichen planus that passes on the candidosis background
Елисеева, Ольга Владимировна
Єлісєєва, Ольга Володимирівна
Yeliseyeva, Olga
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While many patients respond well to conventional periodontal therapy, others do not. Strategies that have improved our understanding of how bacteria cause medically important infections are starting to be successfully applied to examine mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis in periodontitis. In order to rationally treat and prevent recurrence of periodontal diseases, we need to know the identity of etiologic agent(s) for specific patients, and the virulence properties of the pathogenic species involved.
periodontal therapy, parodontitis, oral lichen planus
Yeliseyeva O. V. The peculiarities of the pathogeny and clinical picture of generalized periodontitis among the patients with oral lichen planus that passes on the candidosis background / O. V. Yeliseyeva // Актуальні питання науково-практичної стоматології : матеріали v міжнародної стоматологічної конференції студентів та молодих вчених, Ужгород, 26-27 лютого 2016 р. – Ужгород, 2016. – C. 325–326.