Free and confined water at the erythrocyte membranes of healthy and invalid individuals: a microwave dielectric study
Batyuk, Liliya
Kizilova, Nataliya
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Blood is a concentrated suspension of red blood cells (RBC) and its dielectric parameters are of relevance for medical diagnostics and other medical applications. As it was shown the values of permittivity of diluted suspensions of RBC and RBC ghosts of the blood sampled from patients with different types of cancer have been measurement in the patients before and after X-ray treatment. The proposed mechanism of the dielectric changes is based on the disease-specific modifications of the RBC membranes.
red blood cells, the permittivity, cancer
Batyuk L. V. Free and confined water at the erythrocyte membranes of healthy and invalid individuals: a microwave dielectric study / L. V. Batyuk, N. N. Kizilova // Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems : International Conference 8th International Conference PLMMP-2018, May 18–22, 2018 : abstracts / editor: L. A. Bulavin. – Kyiv, Ukraine, 2018. – P. 30.