Rhythmal and conductivity disorders in children


Criteria for the diagnosis of tachycardia in children of different ages Tachyarrhythmia is the most common and clinically significant cardiac arrhythmia in children. According to modern ideas, all tachyarrhythmias are divided into sinus, supraventricular and ventricular; paroxysmal and non paroxysmal; reciprocal and automatic (ectopic); congenital and acquired; primary (idiopathic) and secondary, observed in pathology of the cardiovascular or other system.


Затверджено Вченою Радою ХНМУ. Протокол № 7 від 24.06.2021.


Tachyarrhythmia, Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia., Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome, МР2024/2021, 2024а/2021


Rhythmal and conductivity disorders in children : recommendations for V–VI students Higher medical education institutions of the III–IV accreditation levels studying in English / comp.: G. S. Senatorova, M. O. Gonchar, M. K. Uryvaeva, M. I. Strelkova. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2021. – 40 p.



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