Аssessment of the effect of biodegradable implants based on polylactide on the organism animals by analysis of the dynamics of biochemical indicators of the blood at different periods of research

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Pavlov, Oleksiy
Pavlova, Olena

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In experimental conditions, at different times (14th, 30th, 90th, 180th, and 360th day), with the help of modern methods, the general effect on the body of rats of implants for osteosynthesis based on polylactide and calcium phosphate was investigated ceramics In comparison with the control, it was established that: the composite material, in general, does not affect the somatic status of the animals in all terms of the experiment. The content and activity of biochemical markers of the regenerative-inflammatory process (glycoproteins, chondroitin sulfates, alkaline phosphatase) in the blood serum of rats on the 30th day after implantation (composite based on polylactide) indicate an easier course of the process of restoring the injured bone, and indicators of the functional state of the liver ( ALT, AST, GHTP, bilirubin) and kidneys (creatinine, urea) after implantation in both studied groups of rats, indicates the absence of nephro- and hepatotoxicity of the implants in all periods of observation.experiment,



experiment, rats, polylactide, calcium-phosphate ceramics, implants, femur, biochemical methods, 2024а


Pavlov О. D. Аssessment of the effect of biodegradable implants based on polylactide on the organism animals by analysis of the dynamics of biochemical indicators of the blood at different periods of research / О. D. Pavlov, О. О. Pavlova // Grail of Science. ─ 2024. ─ N 38: Proceeding of the II correspondence International Scientific and Practical conferens «Open science nowadays: main mission, Trends and instruments, Path and its development», 12 April 2024, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, Vienna, Austria / NGO Europian Scientific Platform, LLC International Centre Corporative Management. ─ P. 351─355.