Electronic education resources and them use in the training process in the Medical University
Batyuk, Liliya
Morozova, Oksana
Chovpan, Hanna
Borodkina, Anna
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Харківський національний медичний університет
Electronic educational resources allow solving the problem of increasing the effectiveness of teaching students in medical and biological physics and other disciplines, as well as the task of providing independent work for students. The advantages of using social networks in the learning process are obvious. A high level of interaction between the teacher and the student ensures the continuity of the learning process. Clear understanding of the ideology and interface of social networks for the most part of the Internet audience can save considerable time, bypassing the stage of students' adaptation to the new teacher. The ability to view the video and audio material in remote access mode, helps to better understand and assimilate the subject, allows you to review the material if it was not understood the first time. Lack of personal communication, allow you to build in the communicative space of a social network informal communication between the teacher and the student, regardless of the personal characteristics of the student or teacher.
e-learning, ERS Learning Resources, Burrhus Frederic Skinner
Electronic education resources and them use in the training process in the Medical University / L. V. Batyuk, O. M. Morozova, H. O. Chovpan, A. M. Borodkina // Сучасні концепції викладання природничих дисциплін в медичних освітніх закладах (біологія, фізика, хімія, педагогіка, психологія) : матеріали X Міжрегіональної науково-методичної інтернет-конференції, Харків, 5–6 грудня 2017 р. — Харків, 2017. — C. 154−156.