Morphometric features of the feral human skull

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Rusanova, Vladyslava
Chekanova, Irina
Liutenko, Mikhail

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Feral people (from Latin ferus – wild) are human children who from an early age lived out of contact with people and practically did not experience care and love from another person, had no experience of social behavior and communication. Such children, abandoned by their parents, are raised by animals or live in isolation. The human is realized through the social and biological in a person. Children (feral or Mowgli children) who grow up from an early age in conditions of social isolation lose their humanity. A feral child is a person who is almost an animal. If a child falls out of society at an early stage of its life, it leads to an inability to live among people and the child quickly dies. The conditions of existence in an animal or isolated environment, the peculiarities of food consumption, etc. significantly affect not only the development of the nervous system, but also the musculoskeletal system due to changes in the body position in space throughout the life of a feral human.



feral human skull, anatomy, craniotype, lower jaw, 2023а


Rusanova V. V. Morphometric features of the feral human skul / V. V. Rusanova, M. A. Liutenko, I. V. Chekanova // Світ наукових досліджень. ─ 2023. ─ Випуск 17: матеріали Міжнародної мультидисциплінарної наукової інтернет-конференції (м. Тернопіль, Україна – м. Переворськ, Польща, 16─17 березня 2023 р.). ─ С. 178─180.