Evaluation of spatial contrast sensitivity of the visual system of students

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Maslova, Yuliia
Maslova, Natalia

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Харківський національний медичний університет


The contrast sensitivity research showed, that contrast sensitivity increases over the entire frequency range, there is an asymmetry between the right and left eyes, which reaches the maximum values at frequencies of 5.5 and 20 cycles / deg. These changes indicate an increase of the intensity of processing the information of the visual system in the nearest vision zone. The initial asymmetry of functioning characterizes the way of adaptation to own structural organization of the visual system.


For normal visual perception of the surrounding world, not only high visual acuity, but also full-valued spatial frequency channels of contrast sensitivity is necessary. These channels provide filtering of high frequencies, informing about small details of the object, low ones, without which perception of whole image is not impossible even with the discernibility of small details, and medium ones, especially sensitive to contrasts and creating preconditions for qualitative high-frequency analysis of contours of objects. Thus, only researches of the contrast sensitivity of the visual system in all three ranges will permit to receive complete and qualitative information [1,3]. Scientific novelty. The presence of asymmetry in the parameters of contrast sensitivity between the right and left eyes of students is experimentally shown. The aim of the work was to evaluate the contrast sensitivity in the three ranges of the visual system in students.


spatial contrast sensitivity, visual system, students


Maslova Y. Evaluation of spatial contrast sensitivity of the visual system of students / Y. Maslova, N. Maslova // Фізіологія – медицині, фармації та педагогіці: актуальні проблеми та сучасні досягнення : V Всеукраїнська наукова конференція студентів та молодих вчених з фізіології з міжнародною участю, Харків, 16 травня 2018 р. / ред. колегія: Д. І. Маракушин [та ін.]. – Харків, 2018. – С. 20.



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