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Nephron sparing surgery in patients with intravenous extension of renal cell carcinoma

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Стаховський, Е.О.
Щукін, Дмитро Володимирович
Лісовий, Володимир Миколайович
Вітрук, І.
Войленко, О.А.
Стаховський, О.Е.
Гарагатий, Ігор Анатолійович
Поляков, Микола Миколайович
Антонян, Ігор Михайлович
Хареба, Геннадій Геннадійович

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We have conducted a retrospective evaluation of the results of open nephron sparing surgery in patients with macroscopic intravenous extension of RCC found either during operation or at final pathomorphological study. The study included 32 patients with renal tumours and intravenous extension who underwent NSS from 2007 to 2015 in two urological centers. Their charts were reviewed to identify clinical, operative, and pathology details, as well as oncological outcomes of these patients. Nephron sparing surgery may be used to treat patients with kidney tumours and neoplastic venous thrombosis. Elective indications for this surgical approach are still to be developed.



renal cell carcinoma, nephron sparing surgery


Nephron sparing surgery in patients with intravenous extension of renal cell carcinoma / E. A. Stakhovsky, D. V. Shchukin, V. N. Lesovoy, I. Vitruk, O. A. Voylenko, O. E. Stakhovskyi, I. A. Garagatiy, M. M. Polyakov, I. M. Antonyan, G. G. Khareba // European Urology. –2016. – Vol. 15, iss. 3, suppl. – P. e861.