Effective thickness of the planar detector in measurements of electrons energy loss
Deiev, Oleksey
Kiprich, S.
Vasiliev, G.
Yalovenko, V.
Ovchinnik, V.
Shulika, M.
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An experimental method of determining the active region thickness of Si planar detector was used. The method
based on the dependence the depletion layer thickness from voltage applied to the detector (U = 0:::60 V ). The
electron energy loss spectra emitted by 90Sr 90 Y in silicon planar detector were measured. The relative values
of most probable energy loss of electrons were de ned for different thickness of detector. The planar detector was
considered as a parallel-plate capacitor. The static (capacity) and dynamic (the detection efficiency and the energy
deposit) characteristics had a root dependence on voltage.
cross-section, spectra of energy losses, Landau approximation
Effective thickness of the planar detector in measurements of electrons energy loss / O. S. Deiev, S. K. Kiprich, G. P. Vasilyev, V. I. Yalovenko, V. D. Ovchinnik, M. Y. Shulika // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Physics Investigations. – 2017. – № 3 (109). – Р. 45–49.