Intensification of educational and cognitive activities of interns in the process of training
Markovska, Olena
Tovazhnyanska, Olena
Markovskyi, Volodymyr
Shapkin, Anton
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Scientific publishing house Infinity
The introduction of modern teaching methods on the “Neurology” cycle
for interns has significantly improved the assimilation of special skills and
abilities and the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge in the
diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and the provision of adequate assistance
in emergency situations in people with pathology of the nervous system.
The effectiveness of these activities was noted during the final exam.
So, the percentage of “excellent” answers on emergency neurology has
significantly increased - up to 50% against 27% with traditional approaches
to training.
modern teaching methods, neurology
Intensification of educational and cognitive activities of interns in the process of training / O. Markovska, O. Tovazhnyanska, V. Markovskyi, A. Shapkin // Science. Educatition. Practice : materials of the International University Science Forum, Canada, Toronto, 2020. – Toronto, 2020. – Р. 40–44.