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Adipokines and interleukin-17 are the link of regulatory mechanism in kidney

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Goncharova, Аlina

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Adipokines and interleukins (IL) are involved in regulation of renal function but their role in the mechanisms is not clear yet. If the effects of such adipokine as adiponectin in kidney disorders are better defined [1], the effects of visfatin and IL17 are not so well studied.


This work represents evidence of cooperative effects of adiponectin, visfatin and IL-17 on renal function which can be identified as a new link in its regulatory mechanisms.


adipokines, interleukin-17


Goncharova A. V. Adipokines and interleukin-17 are the link of regulatory mechanism in kidney / A. V. Goncharova // Advances оf Science : Proceedings of articles the international scientific conference, Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Ukraine, Kyiv, 28 September 2018. – Karlovy Vary : Skleněný Můstek ; Kyiv : MCNIP, 2018. – Р. 576–578.