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Effects of lifestyle obesity in adolescents

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Pomohaibo, Kateryna
Kuznetsova, Dar’y

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We conducted a pilot survey of 30 children suffering from overweight school-age children in the October district of Kharkov. Results of the study analysis of personal data revealed that the nutritional status of children was irrational and hypercaloric, diet was dominated by solid fats and digestible carbohydrates. 55 % of children attend snack noodles. According to the study, it became known that 45 % lacked regular physical load. However, 60 % of teens spend an average 3.5 hours / day in front of TV or computer.



children, obesity, nutritional status


Pomogaybo E. G. Effects of lifestyle obesity in adolescents / E. G Pomogaybo, D. A. Kuznetsova // Проблеми формування здорового способу життя у молоді : матеріали VIII Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції молодих учених і студентів з міжнародною участю, Одеса, 10–11 квітня 2015 р. – Одеса, 2015. – С. 97.