Neurocirculatory dystonia and irritable bowel syndrome in young age patients - clinical picture of the comorbid pathology and interdisciplinary reationship
Suprun, O.
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The clinical picture of IBS in patients with
NCD has its own characteristics and, in a certain way, de-
pends on the type of NCD. In patients with NCD by hyperten-
sive type in the clinic of IBS is dominated diffuse abdominal
pain$ patients with NCD by hypotonic type often complain on
abdominal pain left-sided localization. Also, in patients with
IBS on the background of hypertensive type NCD noted the
direct relationship between the occurrence of abdominal pain
and the occurrence of clinical symptoms of NCD. These clini-
cal features of IBS on the background of NCD to consider the
doctor in his practice.
neurocirculatory dystonia, irritable bowel syndrome, young age patients, comorbid pathology, interdisciplinary reationship
Suprun O. V. Neurocirculatory dystonia and irritable bowel syndrome in young age patients – clinical picture of the comorbid pathology and interdisciplinary reationship / O. V. Suprun // Кардиология на перекрестке наук : тезисы докладов VII Международного конгресса совместно с XI Международным симпозиумом по эхокардиографии и сосудистому ультразвуку, ХXIII ежегодной научно-практической конференцией«Актуальные вопросы кардиологии», Нижний Новгород, Тюмень 11–13 мая 2016 года / Федеральное агенство научных организаций России, Филиал НИИ Кардиологии «Тюменский кардиологический центр». – Н. Новгород ; Тюмень, 2016. – С. 14–15.