Peculiarities of craniometric parameters of the facial index of the skull of a mature person according to CT data
Сосонна, Лілія Олександрівна
Сазонова, Ольга Миколаївна
Sosonna, Liliia
Sazonova, Olha
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Today, the topic of detailed knowledge of the structure of the human cranium is extremely relevant. Despite a large number of both domestic and foreign studies, many questions remain unanswered regarding the structure of this part of the human skull. Most of the works of scientists and clinicians are currently based on the results of computed tomography (CT). For example, among foreign authors, the scientific works of Sella Tunis are well-known. The works of domestic researchers are informative, but are carried out mainly on cadaveric material, which has a number of drawbacks, the results may be associated with inaccuracies in calculations and, as a result, false results.
craniometric parameters, facial index, skull, CT data, 2024а
Sosonna L. Peculiarities of craniometric parameters of the facial index of the skull of a mature person according to CT data / L. Sosonna, O. Sazonova // Problems and Prospects of Modern Science and Education : Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, March 12–15, 2024. – Stockholm, 2024. – P. 172–173.