Sergii Arkadiyovych Tomilin and his contribution to social hygiene
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Martynenko, Nataliia
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Publication dwells upon the life of S. A. Tomilin, an outstanding scientist and lecturer. The published works in different fields of medicine. S. A. Tomilin was the author of more than 100 scientific works devoted to important problems of Sanitary and Preventive medicine. Two of them "The Attempt of Sanitary Description of Ukraine" (1928) and "Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the District Cities of Ukraine in 1927" (1928) were awarded by the Ukrainian Sciences' Administration.
In a half of a century (1973) Tomilin's scientific works of 1920s' ̶1930s' were published in one book "Demography and Social Hygiene" as a works of high topicality.
sanitary doctor, statistic's department, Typhoid Fever Commission, sanitary and preventive medicine, Sector of Morbidity, phytotherapy
Martynenko N. M. Sergii Arkadiyovych Tomilin and his contribution to social hygiene / N. M. Martynenko // Історична спадщина та сучасні аспекти забезпечення громадського здоров’я в Україні : матеріали науково-практичної конференції; з нагоди 140-річчя від дня народження С. А. Томіліна (1877–1952), видатного соціал-гігієніста та демографа, завідувача кафедри соціальної гігієни Харківського медичного інституту (м. Харків, 25 жовт. 2017 р.). – Харків, 2017. – С. 36–38.