Calcium metabolism changes as a formation mechanism of diabetic foot in geriatric patients
Шапкін, Вадим Евгенійович
Shapkin, V.
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Identified differences of calcium metabolism indicate signs of calcium
malabsorption in DM patients and the processes of bone resorption intensification.
This allows to conclude that calcium metabolism status (in particular, the severity
of bone resorption) has significance at the development of diabetic hard tissue foot
lesions as well as diabetic neuropathies and angiopathies. Insulin has a significant
anabolic effect. It is known that a insulin production decreasing leads to the bone
mineralization decreasing, reducing of the calcium blood serum level, increasing of
the calcium urine secretion. The bone tissue trophics is broken – this is a result of
the carbohydrate metabolism changes at cells and vascular lesions during insulin
Calcium metabolism and bone resorption changes defined at the study point
to the necessity of the calcium drugs including to the complex therapy of DM.
osteoporosis, diabetic foot, diabetes mellitus, angiopathy
Shapkin V. E. Calcium metabolism changes as a formation mechanism of diabetic foot in geriatric patients / V. E. Shapkin // Патологія суглобів з позицій поліпрофільного підходу : матеріали науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю, Харків, 17 березня 2017 г. / Харківський національний медичний університет. – Харків, 2017. – С. 14–15.