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Pathomorphological features of gastroesophageal reflux disease realization in young people with autoimmune thyroiditis

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Pasiieshvili, Tamara
Bocharova, Tetiana
Zhelezniakova, Natalia
Pasiieshvili, Liudmyla

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The aim: To evaluate the pathomorphological features of the esophageal mucous membrane in young people with GERD and autoimmune thyroiditis. Materials and methods: 120 patients with GERD and AIT and 45 people with isolated GERD matched for age, gender and social status were examined. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, histological study and comparative morphometry of the esophageal mucosa were performed. Results: The frequency of erosive GERD in the examined groups of patients did not statistically differ. At the same time, integral analysis of the structure of erosive forms of GERD revealed statistically significant redistribution of grades of esophagitis towards its enhancement in patients with comorbid pathology. The histological study showed that in patients with GERD and AIT all the morphometric parameters studied had a significantly more severe course and exceeded similar indicators of the group with isolated GERD: epithelium total thickness, epithelium basal layer thickness, connective tissue papillae height, intercellular space. The analysis of morphological changes frequency showed that epithelium basal layer hyperplasia, dystrophic changes and epithelial edema, elongation of papillae and dilation of intercellular space were significantly more frequent in the group with comorbid pathology. Conclusions: GERD and euthyroid AIT comorbidity in the student population is accompanied by a statistically significant redistribution of esophagitis grades towards its aggravation. The presence of concomitant euthyroid AIT in patients with non-erosive GERD leads to statistically more pronounced disorganization of esophageal mucosal epithelium.



gastroesophageal reflux disease, autoimmune thyroiditis, oesophageal biopsy, pathomorphological study, young population


Pathomorphological features of gastroesophageal reflux disease realization in young people with autoimmune thyroiditis / T. M. Pasiieshvili, T. V. Bocharova, N. M. Zhelezniakova, L. M. Pasiyeshvili // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2022. – Volume 75, issue 2. – P. 457–461. –DOI: 10.36740/WLek202202123.



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