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Implementation of the study of artificial intelligence systems in the medical university

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Rysovana, Liubov
Alekseienko, Roman
Bulynina, Oksana

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The tasks of implementing artificial intelligence systems in a medical university are: improving the quality of education, that is, artificial intelligence helps to create innovative teaching methods and simulations that contribute to improving the medical training of students using realistic clinical scenarios; optimization of diagnosis and treatment, i.e. the implementation of artificial intelligence systems at the medical university contributes to the development and improvement of intelligent algorithms for diagnosing diseases and choosing optimal treatment methods; development of new possibilities in diagnosis and treatment, artificial intelligence allows combining ideas and technologies for the development of modern medical technologies and improvement of diagnosis and treatment of any diseases; impact on doctor-patient interaction, i.e. research on the impact of artificial intelligence on doctor-patient communication and interaction to create more efficient work of the health care system.



artificial intelligence systems, medical university, 2023а


Implementation of the study of artificial intelligence systems in the medical university / L. Rysovana, R. Alekseienko, O. Bylunina // European scientific congress : Proceedings of the 11th International scientific and practical conference, Madrid, Spain, 27─29 November 2023 / Barca Academy Publishing. ─ Madrid, 2023. ─ P. 257─262.