The influence of natural and social factors on the vital activity of the organism in modern conditions
Alekseienko, Roman
Rysovana, L.
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At the beginning of the new millennium, scientists are increasingly concerned about the
problem of human health, especially factors that ensure and influence health, as well as indicators
characterizing and evaluating health, as a process of effective targeted impact on health, living
standards and accumulation of its reserves. Differences in the living conditions of modern man and his
ancestors are becoming more pronounced and more noticeable. A person is increasingly not adapting,
but rather adapting the world around him to his existence, getting pleasure, while losing the protective
mechanisms of adaptation developed by the body in the process of evolution.
Thus, a thorough study of the mechanisms of self-regulation and self-realization
and, of course, observation of them will enhance the process of effective human health management.
Applied and experimental studies of the mechanisms of mental self-regulation, taking into account
personal characteristics of a person, external conditions of vital activity, significant situations, can be
more targeted and selective to assist in the development of a whole system of preventive, hygienic and
therapeutic measures to enhance physical and mental health of a person.
Regulation of the vital activity of the human body is a whole complex of reactions and
mechanisms aimed at controlling all life processes in accordance with the requirements of the genetic
program of the organism and the state of the environment in order to save life and continue the race.
regulation of the vital activity, adaptive mechanisms, homeostasis, functional activity
Alekseienko R. V. The influence of natural and social factors on the vital activity of the organism in modern conditions / R. V. Alekseienko, L. M. Rysovana // World science. – 2019. – Special education : VI Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists in Physiology «Physiology to Medicine, Pharmacy and Pedagogics: Actual Problems and Modern Advancements», Warsaw, Poland, May 15–16, 2019. – P. 21–23.