Features of the clinical picture of depressive disorders of different registers in university students
Vashkite, I.
Khaustov, M.
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In the course of work with the purpose of developing a complex pathopsychologically
grounded system of psychotherapy and psychoprophylaxis for students of higher educational
institutions with depressive disorders of affective (DDAR) and neurotic (DDNR) registers,
a complex psychodiagnostic, psychometric, and clinical and psychopathological study of
200 students from various universities at the age of 17–24 was conducted.
According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the effect of factors related to the
start of studies at the university results in the highest probability of depressive disorders of
the neurotic register among younger students. Students of senior years are maximally adapted
to the conditions of study; therefore, the incidence of these disorders, both clinical and
subclinical, is average among them, whereas in senior years there is an increase in the
incidence of depressive disorders of the affective register.
The article also presents the diagnostic results of studying the emotional sphere of students,
the syndromological structure of depressive disorders of both registers, and formulated
recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with depressions in the primary
medical system.
depressive reactions, treatments, primary care, diagnosis, students
Vashkite I. Features of the clinical picture of depressive disorders of different registers in university students / I. Vashkite, M. Khaustov // Inter Collegas. – 2019. – № 2 (6). – Р. 112–119.