Ефекти сполученої дії електромагнітного випромінювання та хімічного чинника

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Завгородній, Ігор Володимирович
Перцев, Дмитро Павлович
Літовченко, Олена Леонідівна
Тесленко, Олександр Семенович
Абрамова, Лілія Павлівна
Весшин, Віталій Олександрович
Горголь, Наталія Іванівна

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Objective was to determine the features of the response of animal organism and determine the nature of changes in morphological and biochemical parameters in the isolated effect of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), and in combination with a chemical factor (cutting fluid of "Typol" brand). Materials and methods. An original research on white male rats is carried out in conditions of a 30-day laboratory experiment. To reveal changes of biochemical indices, blood sampling was used at the stages of 5, 15, 30 days and urine sampling – at the stages of 15, 30 days. With this experiment completed, the following inner organs were taken for morphologic research: liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, testicles, thyroid, spleen. Biochemical values were determined with help of commercial test-systems according to instructions. Examinations of inner organs were carried out using standard methods of histological technique and histochemistry. Results. The findingsshowed that the isolated effect of EMR resulted in formation of state of exertion in the work of enzyme section of antioxidant protection. The reliable changes in liver tests indicated the liver detoxication function disorders. The mixed effect of EMR and cutting fluid was characterized by increase of lipoperoxidation, which raised in the dynamics of the experiment (excessive formation of lipid peroxidation products, increase of changes in lipid metabolism), more pronounced changes in liver functioning compared both with control group and investigated group of isolated effect, disorder of kidney function. Conclusions. The findings showed that the isolated effect of EMR resulted in hematologic changes, disorder of kidney functional state, phenomena of oxidative stress. The morphologic changes of inner organs of animals under the influence of EMR were characterized by formation of the state of functional strain; at that, adaptation potential of the organism was kept. The mixed effect of EMR and the cutting fluid for 30 days produced disorders practically in all sections of metabolism. The revealed changes in inner organs were more pronounced from the part of liver and the organs of endocrine system, which is the evidence of decrease in resistance of the organism in laboratory animals of this group. The above disorders promote the origin of considerable pathological changes.



сполучена дія, електромагнітне випромінювання, хімічний чинник, біохімічні показники, морфологічні зміни, організм тварин


Ефекти сполученої дії електромагнітного випромінювання та хімічного чинника / І. В. Завгородній, Д. П. Перцев, О. Л. Літовченко, О. С. Тесленко, Л. П. Абрамова, В. О. Векшин, Н. І. Горголь // Актуальные вопросы дерматологии, венерологии и ВИЧ/СПИД инфекции : материалы научной конференции посвященной 155-летию со дня рождения профессора М. В. Типцева, Харьков, 18 ноября 2015 г. – Харьков, 2015. – С. 129–138.



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