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Improvement of professional competence in child maltreatment problems for general practice and perinatal medicine specialists is a necessary step to strengthen children’s health

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Pasichnyk, Iryna
Kurova, Lidia

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The work of general practice and primary perinatal care specialists are closely connected with all constitutive components of family. Obtained results indicate that child maltreatment become topical in our society not only from legal point of view but as medical one too. Primary prevention of child abuse and neglect arrangements have to be concentrated on reducing of undesired pregnancies amount, tobacco, alcohol narcotics using during pregnancy and among young parents, on training of responsible parenting starting from family planning period, on prevention of child diseases which are conditioned by care defects.



general practice, perinatal medicine, child maltreatment, children's health


Pasichnyk I. Improvement of professional competence in child maltreatment problems for general practice and perinatal medicine specialists is a necessary step to strengthen children’s health / I. Pasichnyk, L. Kurova // Economics, Health Care and Education in the Modern World : Collection of Materials of the International Scientific Conference, Opole, Poland, 3–8 October 2013. – Opole, 2013. – Vol. 2. – P. 74.