Physiology of nicotine addiction

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Pratibha, Mukherjee
Isaieva, Inna
Hloba, Nataliia

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Харківський Національний Медичний Університет


“Tobacco smoking”, the principle cause of lung cancer is associated with nicotine addiction. The nicotine cholinergic receptors (NCRs) in the CNS consists of five subunits (two α4 and three β2). The α4β2 is the principle mediator of nicotine dependence.


Nicotine acts as both stimulant and depressant to CNS. It stimulates the release of dopamine in brain which induces feelings of pleasure and, overtime, addiction. With repeated exposure of nicotine, tolerance develops to many of the effects of nicotine, reducing its primary reinforcing effects and inducing physical dependence (i.e. withdrawal symptoms in absence of nicotine) like irritability, depressed mood, restlessness and anxiety. To get relief from these withdrawal symptoms, smokers tend to show enhanced performance and heightened mood to smoke.


tobacco smoking, nicotine cholinergic receptors, nicotine, mediator


Pratibha Mukherjee. Physiology of nicotine addiction / Pratibha Mukherjee, I. N. Isaeva, N. S. Hloba // Фізіологія медицині, фармації та педагогіці: «Актуальні проблеми та сучасні досягнення» : тези доповідей ІII Всеукраїнської студентської наукової конференції з фізіології з міжнародною участю, Харків, 18 травня 2016 р. – Харків, 2016. – С. 15–16.



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