Emergency conditions in the patients with myasthenia gravis. clinical case of complicated course of generalized myasthenia gravis after thymthymomectomy
Tovazhnyanska, Olena
Samoilova, Hanna
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Myasthenic crisis may be defined as respiratory failure or delayed extubation after surgical treatment for
more than 24 hours resulting from myasthenic weakness. Myasthenic crisis results from weakness of upper airway
muscles leading to obstruction and aspiration, weakness of respiratory muscles leading to reduced tidal volumes,
or weakness of both muscle groups. About 1/5 of patients with myasthenia gravis experience crisis, usually within
the first year of illness. Over the last four decades, prognosis from myasthenic crisis has dramatically improved
from a mortality rate of 75 % to the current rate of less than 5 %. Myasthenic crisis should not be fatal, as long as
patients receive timely respiratory support and appropriate immunotherapy to reduce myasthenic weakness of the
respiratory muscles. In the last years there are more reports about the development of urgent conditions in patients
with myasthenia gravis in the early postoperative period after thymectomy. Long-term follow-up monitoring for the
study effects of thymectomy in patients with myasthenia gravis, conducted in the department of thoracic surgery
of State Institution «Institute of General and Emergency Surgery named after V.T. Zaitsev of National Academy
of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» showed that the incidence of early postoperative myasthenic crisis amounted
9.2–12.3 % of cases and was associated with the degree of compensation of bulbar and respiratory disorders before
the surgery. This reflects the importance of an adequate selection of the dose of anticholinesterase drugs in the
preoperative stage for effective compensation neurosomatic disorders and favorable postoperative prognosis. As an
example, the complicated course of generalized myasthenia gravis after thymthymomectomy was described.
myasthenic crisis, thymthymomectomy
Tovazhnyanska O. L. Emergency conditions in the patients with myasthenia gravis. clinical case of complicated course of generalized myasthenia gravis after thymthymomectomy / O. L. Tovazhnyanska, H. P. Samoilova // Медицина неотложных состояний. – 2015. – № 8 (71). – С. 46–49.